Days between two dates

Days between two dates

Determine the number of days, hours or minutes between two given dates. Whether you're planning an event, tracking time intervals, or working on projects with specific timelines

The difference is 0 days / 0 hours / 0 minutes

How to Use:

Choose the "Start Date" and "End Date" using the provided date pickers and see the result below.


The calendar is a system for organizing and measuring time, allowing humans to track days, weeks, months, and years. It has been an essential tool for various civilizations throughout history. The Gregorian calendar is widely used for civil purposes and business activities in most countries. The international standard for timekeeping is the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is based on atomic clocks and ensures precise global time synchronization.

Gregorian Calendar

  • The Gregorian calendar, the most widely used calendar today, was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 to reform the Julian calendar.
  • It adjusted the leap year rule to better align the calendar year with the solar year, correcting the inaccuracies of the Julian calendar.

Lunar and Lunisolar Calendars

  • Lunar calendars are based on the phases of the moon and are shorter than the solar year. They require an additional adjustment to stay synchronized with the seasons.
  • Lunisolar calendars, like the Hebrew and Chinese calendars, combine lunar and solar elements to ensure alignment with both lunar phases and solar seasons.

Ancient Calendars

  • Many ancient civilizations developed their own calendars based on celestial events, lunar cycles, and agricultural needs.
  • The Egyptian calendar, one of the earliest known calendars, was based on the lunar calendar and later evolved into a solar calendar.
  • The Babylonian calendar used a mix of lunar and solar aspects, with months and years adjusted to match astronomical observations.